Install Your Shutters

Below is a list of 3 items to consider when installing your exterior shutters:

Window Type:

PVC or wooden windows are the best for installing shutter, these look best if you use a New York Style hinge to add a craftsman-style look to your home. If you have vinyl windows be weary, this type of window material is not recommended for using hinges unless the hinge can be installed on the trim surrounding the window. Vinyl windows typically cannot support the weight of a full sized window shutter

Type of Siding:

Any type of siding can be easy to install on top of if you have the proper tools and knowhow.  Most shutters simply bolt or screw to the side of your home or business using high quality exterior fasteners.  Shutters can be installed with or without accessories like Shutter Dogs, New York style hinges, brackets or other fancy exterior items.  These accessories only slightly add to the complexity of the job.  The other main indicator of the difficulty of installation is the type of siding you have.  Hardy boards are the easiest to install on top. Block and brick add a level of sophistication because of the advanced tools you need to install shutters on this type of siding.  The hardest type of siding is faux stone. Stone siding is not level and can be extremely difficult to install over. The stones also have a tendency to split so its best to find an open spot or grout line to screw into.


The final and most important aspect of shutter installation is the height of the windows. Be careful, installing a 25-30 pound shutter on a window 20 feet off the ground is much harder than it looks. If you are not fully confident that you can do this, you should call a professional immediately. We have installed shutters up to 30 feet in the air, hung out windows and stood on roof tops. It’s not easy but we have the skills necessary to install the toughest jobs.

Contact us today for more info or Call for a free estimate (678) 796-8782.